Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

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Enfold is a cleansuper flexible and fully responsive WordPress Theme (try resizing your browser), suited for business websites, shop websites, and users who want to showcase their work on a neat portfolio site. The Theme is built on top of the fabulous Avia Framework and offers support for the WPML MULTI LANGUAGE plugin, just in case you need it

It comes with a plethora of options so you can modify layout, styling, colors and fonts directly from within the backend. Build your own clean skin or use one of 18 predefined skins right out from your WordPress Admin Panel. Font, background and color options as well as the dynamic template builder will help you create the Website you need in no time. In addition to the global options you can set unique styling options for each entry as seen in the theme demo

Key Features Overview

  • Clean, Modern Design can be used for any type of website
  • Unique Drag and Drop Template Builder, built only for this theme. Almost any layout imaginable is possible. Also comes with a ton of Unique elements for the template Builder:
    • Columns, Slider, Buttons, Gallery, team, Tabs, Toogles, Accordions, Pricing and Data Tables, Call to Action Buttons, Testimonials and many more. (To avoid confusion: this is a Content Editor. Header and Footer are not managed this way)
  • Ajax Instant Search: user get results while typing
  • Translation ready with mo/po files
  • WooCommerce Ready: add your own Shop and sell anything from digital Goods to Coconuts
  • WooCommerce Bookings Support for time and date based bookings
  • WPML plugin ready:WPML Plugin, in case your business needs a multi language site
  • Responsive designs that addapts to smaller devices (iphone, ipad)
  • Retina Ready: Looks beautiful on smarthpones and tablets
  • Deactivate responsive features with one click in your backend
  • WordPress Multisite enabled
  • Mailchimp Newsletter Integration
  • Events Calendar and Events Calendar Pro Integration
  • 2D + 3D Layerslider Slideshow (Layerslider Plugin included)
  • 2D Easy Slider for slideshow creation in seconds
  • All slideshows optimized for mobile devices (hardware accelerated CSS3 slider)
  • Post Format Support: Standard, Image, Video, Gallery, Link, Quote
  • Multiple Slideshows possible. You can add multiple to each post, page or portfolio entry
  • 20+ predefined skins, easy to edit and modify. Any number of skins possible
  • Video Support: Supports Videos from any major video hosting service
  • Video Slideshows with support for Youtube, Vimeo and self hosted videos
  • Visual Shortcode editor with preview function, tons of shortcodes like pricing tables, columns, buttons etc
  • Unlimited Color Options with Backend Color Picker for any kind of gorgeous color settings.
  • Unique unlimited sidebars for each page/category possible
  • User Manual, short videos and professional theme support by me and my team to fix any kind of problems
  • Unlimited Portfolio Pages. Also supports Ajax Portfolio
  • Free Lifetime Updates and access to our support forum
  • Growing community in our support forum:over 50000 registered users, 85000 Topics, 350000 Posts. We do care that your site works and answer every post!
  • jQuery 100% unobtrusive wich degrades gracefully if javascript is turned off
  • Contact Form Builder: Modify your contact form from your backend: add/remove/modify the available inputs, textareas, dropdowns and checkboxes
  • SEO Optimized: our Code is built with SEO best practice in mind: headings, heavy internal linking, google rich snippets and so much more
  • Advanced Typography Options
  • Wide & Boxed Layout Versions
  • Advanced Header Options
  • Child theme support for easy customization, that is not affected by theme updates. You can download a very basic child theme here
  • more than 30 PSDs included with almost every page template you see in the “Enfold Default Demo”
  • RTL stylesheet for languages that are read from right to left like Arabic, Hebrew, etc
  • 20+ different Language Files included:
    • English
    • German
    • Czech
    • Danish
    • Spanish
    • French
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Dutch
    • Portugese
    • Romanian
    • Russian
    • Swedish
    • Turkish
    • Korean
    • Arabic
    • Norsk
    • Persian
    • Simplified Chinese
    • Traditional Chinese
  • Clean Programming: Well organized, commented & clean code
  • Focus on typography, usability and user-experience
  • Tested with WPML, Gravitforms, WP Supercache and many other common plugins
  • Extensive documentation
  • Growing Video Tutorial Library- A great place to start are our narrated HD Video Tutorials
  • The option to decide what updates the theme will receive next by suggesting and voting on features: http://www.kriesi.at/support/enfold-feature-requests/

SEO (Search engine optimization)

The theme is built with SEO best practices in mind. It uses clean, semantical and valid HTML code and CSS so search engines can index the content of your site with ease. Important content is always placed before unimportent in your source code (eg: Blog Post content before Sidebar), Headlines are wrapped in heading tags (h1, h2, h3 etc) to signalise their importance to search engines. 

The site also uses heavy internal site linking, which is also of vital for search engines (related posts, primary and secondary navigation menus, footer navigation, etc) With this Wordpress Template you are well equipped to get a high google ranking and attract visitors to show them your fantastic work


This is a responsive theme, able to adapt its layout to the screen size of your visitors. (try resizing the screen and see for yourself) The Slideshows for this theme are also touch enabled and hardware accelerated, which means they are working super sleek on mobile device like ipad or iphone

Support and Documentation

The theme comes with an extensive help file to help you understand how it works. If you encounter any problems or have questions once you purchased the theme feel free to drop us a notice at http://www.kriesi.at/support

We have 12000 registered members that often help out faster than we can. Nevertheless you will always recieve a response from me or my support team. More than 100000 Posts show that we do care that your site works fine

A short notice: The reasons I have chosen to use my own forum are quite simple:

  1. Themeforest support threads are not searchable. Since most questions are asked over and over again a searchable forum will greatly enhance your experience since the answer to your question might already be there.
  2. Second Reason: people can’t respond to each other at themeforest to help each other out, which often happens on the support forums.

Hope you are happy with the theme. Have fun editing it
Best regards


External scripts and resources used

  • Layerslider WP
  • Main Icon set: Entypo Icon Font
  • Some Iconsets made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
  • flickr creative commons library pictures by: codyR, kretyen, mescon, obskura, freya23, amir K, Tambako the Jaguar, jaeWalk
  • dribbble Portfolio Pictures by Dash
  • Please Note: Most images in the theme demo are stock photos from photodune which are not part of the theme


October 4th, 2024 – Version 6.0.5

tweak: updated theme options description Google Measurement ID
tweak: added text-size-adjust property to base.css
tweak: changed CSS for X social icon
tweak: ALB Accordion - open a toggle when hash manually changed in browser search bar

added: missing text domain in ..\includes\admin\option_tabs\avia_menu.php

PHP 8.2 compatibility - fix: Allow usage of dynamic property for classes extending aviaFramework\base\object_properties and aviaBuilder\base\object_properties

Updated: LayerSlider 7.12.4 (fixed vulnerability report)

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 6.0.4, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)

September 3rd, 2024 – Version 6.0.4

tweak: ?s=xxx is removed except for search page (no more 404 redirect)

fixed: image formats like jpg, png, ... in pagination links open lightbox instead of page
fixed: Wordfence XSS Vulnerabilities reports with wrapper_class and class

removed: backwards compatibility 4.8.4. default white sonar effect for ALB icon on hover
removed: support for outdated Envato theme updater API < 3.0

PHP 8.2 compatibility - fix: Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables

Updated: LayerSlider 7.12.2

August 19th, 2024 – Version 6.0.3

tweak: remove "Dismiss" from admin notice 6.0 and 6.0.1
tweak: ALB Akkordion adjust js logic to avoid unnecessary updating of toggle titles in DOM

added: Threads Social Icon to theme options and ALB Social Buttons

fixed: WooCommerce category banner image shows wrong image when no category image is selected
fixed: ALB Accordion toggle title does not allow 0
fixed: ALB Accordion toggle titles with numbers throw js error

accessibility: added aria-label expand/collapse to ALB toggle heading
accessibility: added aria-label to HTML heading tags in layout templates (e.g. loop-index.php, loop-page.php, ...) and ALB elements
accessibility: added aria-label to HTML footer tag in footer.php
accessibility: added aria-label to HTML aside tags
accessibility: added "Contact Form" as default aria-label text to new added ALB Contact From element - already existing are not touched


added: filter 'avf_aria_label_for_header' - allows to change the generated aria-label text before output
added: filter 'avf_aria_label_for_footer' - allows to change the default aria-label text before output
added: filter 'avf_aria_label_for_sidebar' - allows to change the default aria-label text before output

July 17th, 2024 – Version 6.0.2
compatibility: WP 6.6 fix for block editor hiding ALB button in header

accessibility: use aria-label=false for ALB icons with a link
accessibility: added role="menu" aria-orientation="vertical" to av-burger-overlay div

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 6.0.1, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)


tweak: ALB Heading added addition class av-font-size-is-xx to container (needs theme support 'avia_builder_add_heading_type_size_class')

July 10th, 2024 – Version 6.0.1

performance tweak: remove custom fields query from frontend and allow to limit result set in backend

tweak: extended ALB button elements with aria-label from custom title attribute
tweak: extended ALB button elements button title attribute option with dynamic content 
tweak: ALB buttons move option "Button Title Attribute" to "Content" tab below "Icon Visibility" 
tweak: ALB buttons removed condition for Button Title Attribute in modal popup
tweak: display 6.0 backend update message to administrators only
tweak: remove query for WP custom fields from frontend for dynamic content feature
tweak: extend theme option to show "Custom Layout" menus in WP menus to admins or all users
tweak: make Contact Form placeholders inherit body font family

fixed: Shop banner warning "Array to string conversion in ../config-woocommerce/config.php on line 1773" 
fixed: missing default icons in ALB Button Row element in the backend
fixed: ALB Accordion title broken when using HTML markup
fixed: ALB masonry adds alt attribute to background image container - removed


added: filter 'avf_layerslider_order_by_select_alb' - change the order of layersliders in selectbox in canvas of ALB
added: filter 'avf_custom_layout_show_wp_menus' - allows to filter, which users can see "Custom Layout" menus in WP menus

added: theme support 'avia_builder_add_heading_type_size_class' - adds option to add additional class to heading for custom styling
July 1st, 2024 – Version 6.0
feature: extended options for shop banner location (above or below title/breadcrumb bar) and parallax or scroll
feature: added options for responsive shop banner image 
feature: ALB Accordion added option to show toggle title below content
feature: ALB Accordion added option to set slide speed of toggle content for each toggle
feature: ALB Accordion added option for an open toggle title
feature: Theme options -> Layout Builder -> Custom Page Layout And Dynamic Content
feature: Dynamic content support in TinyMCE "ALB Magic Wand Button" dropdown
feature: new ALB element "Dynamic Data" (can be used in ALB Table element)
feature: new ALB element "Custom Layout" 
feature: shortcode 'av_dynamic_el' - supports output of dynamic data also in non ALB areas
feature: added theme option Layout Builder -> Show advanced options -> Activate Your Custom Post Types For ALB
feature: CPT support to select default terms when saving post (WP Dashboard -> Settings -> Writing)
feature: CPT support to extend CPT Edit Page table with taxonomy column and thumbnail colum (WP Dashboard -> Settings -> Writing)
feature: Extended ALB video for portrait videos and better lightbox CSS for portrait, landscape and also for custom ratio videos

feature: added Dynamic Content support to various elements:

Layout Elements:


Content Elements:

    Animated Numbers
    Content Slider
    Fullwidth Buttons
    Headline Rotator
    Icon Box
    Icon Circles
    Icon List
    Icon/Flipbox Grid
    Progress Bar
    Promo Box
    Social Buttons
    Special Heading
    Team Member

Media Elements:

    Before-After Images
    Horizontal Gallery
    Image Hotspot
    Masonry Gallery

feature: ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) support with dynamic content for following ACF types:

    gallery (**** pro version)

feature: Support for ACF post types and taxonomies
feature: Checkbox ACF -> Post Type -> Advanced Configuration -> Enfold Layouts to show Layout Metabox in edit screen

tweak: updated the "For Developers: Custom Tab ID" string to "Custom Toggle ID" in ALB Accordion element
tweak: moved ALB "Page Content" to Layout Element Tab

accessibility: ALB tabs added better HTML support for European Accessibility Act
accessibility: started adding html markup aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" for empty h* tags to several ALB elements
accessibility: added aria-label='...' to elements where user entered a "Custom Title Attribute" in addition to title='....'
accessibility: ALB accordion added better HTML support for European Accessibility Act

fixed: warning undefined-array-key-medium-in-class-popup-templates-responsive-php
fixed: CSS for ALB audio player in audio post format
fixed: ALB table element delete icon for rows not visible for button rows
fixed: Theme option 'Custom Post Type Screen' not hidden when theme support 'avia-custom-elements-cpt-screen' is not set
fixed: CSS for ALB table when empty cells in the pricing table are hidden when "show empty cells" is enabled
fixed: Latest News widget might break backend
fixed: ALB icon box link title displayed instead of title when link is applied to icon and title

updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 6.0 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 6.0, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
added: Norwegian Nynorsk language files nn_NO (version 5.7.1 provided by Berntjs )
updated: French language files fr_FR (version 6.0, provided by comkapi - Patrick)
updated: Croatian language files hr (version 6.0, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - info@nuit.hr )
fixed: translation error in all german language files

Updated: LayerSlider 7.11.1


feature: dismissible admin notice boxes with possibility to include custom HTML templates

tweak: redesign of theme options update logic with integration of dismissible admin notice boxes
tweak: wrapped functions in ..\config-woocommerce\admin-options.php in function_exits()
tweak: ALB video add custom css class option and video format to lightbox wrap container .mfp-wrap (based on solution by Guenni007)

added: classes 'avia-video-cookie-allowed' and 'avia-video-cookie-not-allowed' to HTML
added: theme support 'avia_disable_cpt_support' to disable CPT support feature (does not load class file)
added: various filters for custom page layout, dynamic content support, admin notice box:

    ‘avf_admin_notices_definition_files’ – add paths to custom box definition files, this allows to override previous defined boxes
    ‘avf_init_admin_notices’ – allows to alter the admin notice box array with definitions
    ‘avf_admin_notices_filtered’ – for current user filtered notice boxes to display
    ‘avf_skip_output_single_notice’ – skip output of notice box
    'avf_admin_notices_activate_cron' - enable/disable cron job to clean up database for notice box show data and user meta
    'avf_admin_notice_default_expire_time' - change the default expire time (in a context)

added: filter 'avf_alb_magic_wand_button' - allows to modify tinyMCE menu for ALB magic wand dropdown
added: filter 'avf_force_alb_usage' - allows to force ALB for a post (see https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/blob/master/actions%20and%20filters/ALB%20core/avf_force_alb_usage.php)
added: filter 'avf_shortcode_insert_button_backend_disabled' - allows to enable/disable an ALB shortcode button in backend
added: filter 'avf_cpt_support_post_types' - allows to remove CPT's from support by this feature (e.g. like products)
added: filter 'avf_cpt_support_no_table_filters' - allows to skip adding thumbnail and taxonomy columns to CPT table screens
added: filter 'avf_cpt_wp_settings_writing' - allows to create a custom output on WP Settings Writing screen
added: filter 'avf_woocommerce_default_banner_image_size' - change shop banner image size (intended for product category thumbs )
added: filter 'avf_contact_form_datepicker_args' - change contact form datepicker aguments e.g. like date range
added: template taxonomy.php to provide basic support for ACF custom taxonomies (based on taxonomy-portfolio_entries.php)

removed: avia_backend_admin_notice()
removed: avia_backend_reset_admin_notice()
May 6th, 2024 – Version 5.7.1

tweak: add additional parameters to filter avf_customize_heading_settings for slideshows using class avia_slideshow
tweak: allow to add custom Google Maps styles with filter ‘avf_gmap_vars’ (see https://kriesi.at/support/topic/change-google-maps-styling/)
tweak: ALB Search element add title and aria-label to link buttons
tweak: make the Search field required with attribute required to avoid searching with empty term and wrap in HTML "search" tag (works only in latest browser versions early 2024)
tweak: improve UI feedback for search form button
tweak: improve option page checkbox toggle UI (added check mark, moved toggle to right when checked)
tweak: added limitation description to theme option when Page as Footer is used

fixed: CSS in ALB Iconbox when empty content breaking heading
fixed: CSS for ALB gradient color left bottom right top and right bottom to left top
fixed: ALB Tab Section custom styles broken when multiple Tab Sections on a page
fixed: missing > in HTML p tag in contact.js
fixed: CSS background issue on mobile devices with the Header, Footer, Socket, Main, and Alternate background-attachment - set to "scroll" from "fixed" 
fixed: CSS to show svg in media library list view
fixed: ALB columns misplaced parentheses line 2055 in empty()

accessibility: added aria-label to search fields

compatibility RankMath: Register ALB Images to RankMath Sitemap

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.7.1, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.7.1, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - info@nuit.hr )
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.7 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.7.1 provided by comkapi - Patrick)
updated: translations for some strings in german language files
updated: sync all language files (5.7.1)

Updated: LayerSlider 7.11.0


added: filter "avf_section_padding" - modify ALB section padding selectbox values (see https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/blob/master/actions%20and%20filters/ALB%20Elements/Section/avf_section_padding.php)
added: filter "avf_section_padding_default" - modify default value for ALB section padding selectbox 
added: filter 'avf_post_ingnore_featured_image_link' - allows to remove featured image link in blog posts (see https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/blob/master/actions%20and%20filters/Layout/avf_post_ingnore_featured_image_link.php)

April 4th 2024 – Version 5.7

feature: added file download functionality to ALB button element (see link settings toggle)

tweak: refactored function avia_backend_create_file() - better error handling
tweak: updated theme options descriptions text Performance/Minified Files
tweak: replaced text "Twitter" with "X" 

fixed: link not working for ALB image when "image hover effect" set to "fade to another image" 
fixed: CSS in ALB table empty cell in pricing table in last row is visible
fixed: ALB Masonry shows posts from non empty category with one empty category and relation AND
fixed: datepicker CSS in backend when next/prev button is disabled

PHP 8.3 compatibility.: fixed strict data type warning in slideshow_layerslider.php

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.12, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: sync all language files (5.7)

Updated: LayerSlider 7.10.1


tweak: refactor dynamic-css.php for better readability
tweak: ALB Icon List - added $this->element_atts as parameter to filter 'avf_customize_heading_settings'

BETA Feature: initial support for WP plugin "Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics" ( https://wordpress.org/plugins/cookiebot/ ) see ../config-cookiebot/class-avia-cookiebot.php 
added: support for js wp.hooks in frontend (dummy wrapper functions to avoid checks for wp.hooks in js if not loaded - see avia-js.js)
added: theme support 'avia_include_cookiebot' - allows to run our scripts
added: filter 'avf_allow_wp_hooks_dependency' - allows to add js wp.hooks for frontend - is not by default
added: filter 'avf_dynamic_css_additional_vars' - used to add additional var()
added: filter 'avf_dynamic_css_after_vars' - used to add additional var() in own :root

feature: replace fixed color values with var() in dynamic-css.php

added: filter 'avf_dynamic_css_calculated_colors' - add additional calculated colors to color set array $avia_config['backend_colors']['color_set']
added: $avia_config['backend_colors']['color_set_var'] containing var(....) instead of color values
added: filter 'avf_supress_css_theme_variables' extended to use color values or var(....)
added: filter 'avf_file_download_supported_file_types' - change supported download file types to show in media gallery popup

March 15th 2024 – Version 5.6.12

fixed: Undefined variable $skipSecond in ../avia-shortcodes/section/section.php

March 14th 2024 – Version 5.6.11

feature: filter icon fonts and display icon names in backend select area - based on solution provided by @resonanzmarketing (https://kriesi.at/support/topic/filter-input-in-iconfont/)

tweak: changed the order of the List Item Content and List Item Icon in the Icon List element
tweak: rename theme option Transparency Logo Options to Transparency Options
tweak: improve implemented filter ‘wpseo_sitemap_urlimages’ in ..\config-wordpress-seo\config.php
tweak: updated GoogleMapsAPI version to 3.56
tweak: clarify web safe font availability

fixed: filter 'avf_tab_subsection_image_size' does not work
fixed: social buttons overflow
fixed: Warning: Undefined array key "telegram_link" in ../includes/helper-social-media.php
fixed: background issue on mobile devices with section background-attachment - set to "scroll" from "fixed" 
fixed: fatal error class "aviaFramework\widgets\av_google_maps" not found in class-avia-google-maps
fixed: CSS for footer curtain effect which covers burger menu overlay
fixed: CSS for Masonry option Image Hover Effect "No effect" 

compatibility YOAST: improve SEO Image support for ALB and posts

Updated: LayerSlider 7.9.11


added: filter 'avf_sync_sc_defaults_array' - change default value for missing shortcode attribute (https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/blob/master/actions%20and%20filters/ALB%20core/avf_sync_sc_defaults_array.php)
added: filter 'avf_sc_section_before_close' - fired before section is closed
added: filter 'avf_icon_font_filter_suppress' - allows to supress filter input boxes in backend

January 24th 2024 – Version 5.6.10

tweak: CSS improvements linebreak in sort buttons in ALB accordion
tweak: fix problem with broken layout after updating plugins due to cached and/or merged theme css files
tweak: CSS in ALB image - overlay overflow covering columns on hover
tweak: vulnerability fix changed link "http://gmpg.org/xfn/11" to https://
tweak: added screen reader tag to menu items on the menus screen of mega menu

added: ALB contact form option to limit datepicker in future dates only

fixed: CET Masonry Load More Button not working when items per page locked
fixed: ALB video hide video controls (html5 or self hosted) if selected in option
fixed: ALB gallery thumbnails CSS alignment issue on Safari and Firefox on macOS
fixed: added CSS rule background-attachment local to ALB gridrow cell to center image in cell
fixed: Uncaught TypeError: aviaPostCssManagement::handler_wp_save_post() - removed type check

updated: Layerslider 7.9.7 - vulnerability fixes

updated: sync all language files (5.6.10)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.6.10 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.10, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)


tweak: changed access from protected to public for avia_font_manager::zip_flatten()

added: filter 'avf_toggle_sorted_tags' - allows to change sort order of filter tabs in ALB accordion (https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/blob/master/actions%20and%20filters/ALB%20Elements/Toggles%20(Accordion)/avf_toggle_sorted_tags.php)
added: filter 'avf_skip_upgrader_process_complete' - allows to skip our actions 
added: filter 'avf_tab_subsection_image_size' - filter image size for tab section tab image

December 7th 2023 – Version 5.6.9

tweak: added support for special character translation plugin v1.1.2 to ALB OSM-Leaflet Map element
tweak: improved accepted e-mail links in ALB (also for obfuscate): [mailto:]your_email@domain.com[?subject=your_subject&body=your_body]
tweak: CSS fixes for WooCommerce Cart and Checkout when using blocks
tweak: add info message to theme options for inactive special pages to remove info in page list

PHP 8.3 compatibility.: added required function argument to get_class()

feature: duplicate post link for all post types (also for custom post types)

fixed: Image element Zoom on hover animation
fixed: ALB in block editor hides sidebar in fullscreen mode
fixed: CSS to display svg images in ALB backend (modal popup and canvas) - no frontend support yet
fixed: pagination shows page 1 of 0 when selected "all posts" and "pagination" in various ALB elements

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.9, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.6.8 provided by comkapi - Patrick)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.6.9 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )


updated: Enfold Special Character Translation Plugin to v1.1.3 (https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/tree/master/codesnippets%2C%20tricks%2C%20plugins/Enfold/integration%20plugins/Enfold/Special%20Character%20Translation)

added: theme support 'avia-no-duplicate-post' - does not show action links to duplicate posts

added: filter 'avf_ignore_duplicate_post_types' - add post types that do not need a duplicate action link from Enfold (e.g. WooCommerce Products)
added: filter 'avf_duplicate_post_capability' - set user capability to allow duplicate link
added: filter 'avf_duplicate_post_new_post_author' - change post author for new post (defaults to current user)
added: filter 'avf_duplicate_post_new_post_taxonomies' - change taxonomies to copy to new post
added: filter 'avf_duplicate_post_new_post_meta' - change post meta to copy to new post
added: action 'avf_duplicate_post_added' - fired after duplicated post had been added

October 24th 2023 – Version 5.6.8
fixed: improved CSS for chrome bug accordion toggles do not close properly and leave white space

updated: Layerslider 7.9.1

October 24th 2023 – Version 5.6.7

tweak: replaced old Twitter icon with X-Twitter icon
tweak: WP media element was loaded on pages with image slideshows (av_blog and av_postslider still force loading)
tweak: added inputmode="none" to datepicker in contact forms to hide default mobile keyboard
tweak: added support for public and unlisted Vimeo links to lightbox script avia-snippet-lightbox.js
tweak: ALB in Block editor when in fullscreen mode hides sidebar and uses full screen (same as in classic editor)

added: TikTok and Square-X-Twitter icons and social links

fixed: added timeout to curl request when loading svg image for inline
fixed: CSS for broken caption alignment in ALB slideshow featured image in ALB Tab Section and not streched layout
fixed: PHP 8.2.4 warning - Creation of dynamic property Avia_Gutenberg_Dynamic_Styles::$typos is deprecated
fixed: PHP 8.2.4 warning - Creation of dynamic property JSqueeze::$local_tree, JSqueeze::$used_tree is deprecated
fixed: PHP 8.2.4 warning - Creation of dynamic property avia_slideshow::$service is deprecated
fixed: font hover color of Menu Links in overlay/slide out
fixed: Loading="lazy" attribute missing for some ALB elements
fixed: CSS for chrome bug accordion toggles do not close properly and leave white space

accessibility: added missing role="menu" and role='menuitem' to ALB element 'Fullwidth Sub Menu'
accessibility: added tabindex='-1' to scroll to top button

security: added shortcode "av_email_spam" to tinyMCE magic wand button to obfuscate E-Mail links

YOAST compatibility: fixed fatal error on Yoast Sitemap.xml when called with custom or special page like 404, ....

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.6, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)


removed: usage of charmap-compat.php
removed: line sourceMappingURL=dotlottie-player.js.map in dotlottie-player.js to avoid console warnings

added: filter 'avf_custom_main_classes' - add custom classes to main tag in base templates
added: filters 'avf_obfuscate_email_link' and 'avf_obfuscate_email_link_hex_encoding' for ALB links

August 29th 2023 – Version 5.6.6

tweak: reduce gap in select box for parallax speed from 10% to 2% (ALB modal popup)
tweak: Move transparent logo option to general theme options below Logo

fixed: ALB Image is not circle when shadow is enabled on Chrome (browser update issue)
fixed: broken html when "no logo" is selected in theme options (since 5.6.5 ???)
fixed: backend custom widget box displayed twice when minified scripts selected
fixed: Warning Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property in Avia_Popup_Templates
fixed: OpenstreetMap Marker Popup shows double "br" 
fixed: ALB column row margins not applied for individual height row layout

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.5, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)

updated: Layerslider v7.8.0  (fixes broken dynamic layers )


added: filter 'avf_relevanssi_ajax_search' - change amount of ajax search result

July 26th 2023 – Version 5.6.5

accessibility: added 'aria-haspopup': 'true', 'aria-controls': 'menu2' to burger menu "ul" tag
accessibility: added 'role': 'menuitem' to burger menu items
accessibility: added aria-label='title" or "alt" or "Logo" to logo "a" tag
accessibility: added role, title and alt attributes from media library to svg images
accessibility: added aria-label to a.avia-image of ALB image

fixed: Warning: Undefined array key “term_rel” in .../config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/blog/blog.php line 562
fixed: small typo "Missing intagram user name" 
fixed: Enfold WooCommerce CSS override custom CSS or child theme CSS settings
fixed: possible vulnerability in ..\framework\php\class-media.php line 114 with $_GET['avia_label']

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.4, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.6.4, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - info@nuit.hr )
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.6.4 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: Some fixes in de_DE_formal translation (Du -> Sie)


added: filter 'avf_avia_logo_link_aria_label' - modify complete aria-label for logo link "a" tag
added: filter 'avf_avia_logo_link_title' - allows to add a link title to logo link "a" tag
added: filter 'avf_ignore_svg_aria_attributes' - allows to ignore adding aria attributes to svg image
added: filter 'avf_set_svg_aria_attributes' - allows to remove or add attributes to svg image

July 14th 2023 – Version 5.6.4

feature: ALB Countdown option to display message when finished
feature: option Multiple Categories/Terms Relation to query posts only if in multiple categories ( cat a AND cat b ):

    Blog Posts
    Portfolio Grid
    Post Slider
    Product Grid
    Product List
    Product Slider

tweak: ALB Special Heading allow responsive font sizes for "Default Style" 

SEO Optimization: Allow to add a custom link title attribute to various elements

    Animated Numbers
    Fullwidth Button
    Fullwidth Sub Menu
    Headline Rotator
    Icon Circles
    Icon Box
    Icon List
    Promo Box

fixed: ALB Gridrow cell padding for other devices does not work when default padding is not set
fixed: 3-rd party shortcode with \ breaks regex in class-shortcode-parser.php
fixed: ALB Testimonial replace wrong single quotes on Testimonial link breaking HTML

updated: Layerslider v7.7.10 (security patch)
updated: sync all language files (5.6.4)


added: filter 'avf_testimonial_single_target' - change default behaviour of target="_blank" 
added: filter 'avf_testimonial_single_rel' - change default behaviour of rel="noopener noreferrer" 

June 26th 2023 – Version 5.6.3

performance: remove no longer needed vendor related CSS rules ( -webkit- -ms- -o- -moz- )

fixed: hide selectbox to change CET base in modal popup when "admins only" selected in theme options for non admins
fixed: missing translation in frontend admin bar
fixed: broken Mailchimp Signup - updated to support Mailchimp API 3.0

added: theme option Performance -> Show Advanced Options -> Old Browser Support to load the removed rules again

WooCommerce compatibility: ajax cart dropdown not working with 7.8
WooCommerce compatibility: hide ajax cart on cart and checkout page (new in 7.8) - use filter 'woocommerce_widget_cart_is_hidden' to change
TEC Pro compatibility: minor CSS fixes for broken footer layout for series post type
WooCommerce/YOAST compatibility: product snippet button and variation products break backend on update product

updated: Lottie Player js component (https://dotlottie.github.io/player-component/) - reverted back as version seems to be buggy
updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.6.2 provided by comkapi - Patrick)
updated: Czech language files cs_CZ (version 5.6.2 provided by DemonioCZ - https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-language-files/pull/50 )
updated: German language files minor translation errors
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.3, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.6.3 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )


tweak: added false to class_exist() function

added: filter ‘avf_old_browser_support’ – allows to overwrite theme option "Support old browsers" when selected
added: action ‘ava_framework_before_print_admin_page_styles’ – fired before framework outputs styles
added: filter 'avf_portfolio_cpt_tax_args' - allows to modify $tax_args arguments

May 10th 2023 – Version 5.6.2

fixed: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function apply_filter() in class avia_masonry

May 8th 2023 – Version 5.6.1

tweak: add a fallback to class aviaElementManager in case of broken internal data structure
tweak: improve logic of loading of language files
tweak: use WP local language for reCaptcha by default

fixed: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function did_filter() during update process

added: post type depending class to article of class avia_post_slider

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)


updated: filter avf_combo_box_image_size - added parameters

May 2nd 2023 – Version 5.6

feature: Fold/Unfold option for:

    Grid Row

feature: Reading Progress Bar below header
feature: ALB section - set custom section height depending on screen width

tweak: added theme option to enable ALB debug mode
tweak: Options to show posts meta data in theme widgets Combo Widget, Latest News, Latest Portfolio
tweak: ALB Countdown layout and CSS improvements
tweak: escaped copyright text for ALB masonry elements to avoid breaking of layout due to nested anchor tags - use filter 'avf_alb_masonry_copyright_text' to allow HTML tags
tweak: extend theme option to allow 6 columns in footer
tweak: fallback for a broken array structure in database in class-element-manager.php
tweak: extend theme option -> Header -> Shrinking Amount to start from 1%

fixed: responsive CSS for retro clock (animated countdown)
fixed: CSS with 1/1 column in Grid Row growing on mobile devices (e.g. in Parallax Demo)
fixed: ALB video element preview/fallback image not showing
fixed: ALB contact form make text "Error in fields" translatable
fixed: CSS for ALB Before-After Image invisible when outside of layout element
fixed: WooCommerce default shop page does not use "Layout" metabox settings
fixed: ALB Post Metadata removed unset($this->post) to avoid deprecate notice
fixed: touch behavior for ALB Before-After Image

removed: old, unused deprecated code and files

WP compatibility: replace calls to deprecated function get_page_by_title() (v6.2)
WP compatibility: not existing language files cause a large hit in WP object cache (v6.1)
Gravity Form compatibility: fix in backend Add Form button not visible with classic editor plugin

WooCommerce compatibility: added filter 'avf_wc_30_gallery_lightbox_use_max_image_size' - restore/remove WC 3.0 gallery limitation of sizes for lightbox
WooCommerce compatibility: allow multiple steps for product quantity ( https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/pull/24 )

updated: Layerslider v7.7.0
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.5, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: sync all language files (5.6)
updated: translation errors in de_xx files
updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.6, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - info@nuit.hr )
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.6 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: Hungarian language files hu_HU (5.6, provided by Földesi Stúdió - Földesi Mihály )


feature: Search results can be displayed as postslider grid (use filter 'avf_search_result_layout')

tweak: add getter functions for protected member of class avia_widget_loader
tweak: class avia_post_slider added to pass a filled WP_Query object in constructor

added: filter 'avf_show_reading_progress_bar' - allows to hide on certain pages
added: filter 'avf_widget_front_instance' - allows to change widget settings on page basis
added: filter 'avf_alb_masonry_copyright_text' - allows to modify copyright text e.g. to remove anchor tag to avoid nesting
added: filter 'avf_wc_parallax_banner_tag' - allows to change h1 tag for shop banner description container
added: filter 'avf_fold_top_offset' - alter place to scroll when top of fold container out of viewport when folding (default 50px from top)

March 22nd 2023 – Version 5.5

feature: new ALB Element Lottie Animations  (supports .lottie and .json)
feature: new ALB Element Before-After Image (image difference)
feature: added swipe feature to lightbox
feature: added swipe feature to single post pages (including portfolio, products)
feature: ALB Gallery options for navigation arrows to scroll through images without lightbox (include support for swipe feature)
feature: Theme option to set a custom shrink factor for shrinking header
feature: ALB Animated Countdown new styling options (flip numbers, retro clock)
feature: ALB Events Countdown new styling options (flip numbers, retro clock)

tweak: added a few more theme option colors to css variables

fixed: ALB fullwidth easy slider youtube controls blocked by overlay (CSS fix)
fixed: ALB modal popup only shows first image after opening in gallery, ....
fixed: burger menu does not close when click on current page (subitems visible)

Relevansi comp.: added support to use avia_product_slider and avia_masonry on search page

updated: Layerslider v7.6.9
updated: sync all language files (5.5)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.5 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: Hungarian language files hu_HU (5.5, provided by Földesi Stúdió - Földesi Mihály )
updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.5, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - info@nuit.hr )


added: filter 'avf_lottie_placeholder_url' - change link to custom placeholder animation
added: filter 'avf_lottie_alb_backend_player' - change HTML of backend canvas player
added: filter 'avf_post_nav_swipe_support' - change theme option
added: filter 'avf_header_shrink_factor' - change shrink factor on page basis
added: filter 'avf_enable_enqueue_dotlottie_script' - allows to force loading of basic dotlottie player js by 3rd party elements

Jan. 23rd 2023 – Version 5.4

Security/Performance: Improve backend for portfolio permalink settings (register-portfolio.php)
Security Improvement: add user capability check to ajax callbacks

feature: image copyright to more elements

    Easy Slider
    Featured Image Slider
    Fullscreen Slider
    Fullwidth Easy Slider
    Team Member

performance: added compressed version of png to enfold/images/background-images/...
performance: add passive listeners to jQuery touch and mouse wheel events
performance: added theme option "Performance -> Show Advanced -> Custom Font Loading Source" - supress loading of custom uploaded fonts from default location

tweak: split copyright toggle into content toggle and styling toggle for consistency
tweak: ALB Image move link toggle to top in advanced tab
tweak: add option "Page Element Filter" to ALB Post Slider
tweak: add option to display an alert message box for empty required fields on ALB Contact Form

fixed: notice caused by loading Google Fonts because of missing https: in class-style-generator.php
fixed: theme option background image (General Styling Tab) breaks e.g --enfold-main-color-img in dynamic CSS
fixed: CSS ALB Gallery big preview with thumbnails below and no scaling image distorting when mixed portrait and landscape
fixed: Theme option Advanced Styling -> Menu Links in overlay/slide out missing

added: note for ALB Blog Post that ALB pages/posts/.. only display Excerpt With Read More Link

updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.4-dev-2, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - info@nuit.hr)
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.4-dev-2, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.4-dev-2 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: sync all language files (5.4-dev-2)


tweak: Make functions overrideable in various plugins config-* folders
tweak: clean up code in config-wordpress-seo/config.php

added: filter 'avf_gmaps_no_google_fonts' - allows to supress loading Google Fonts by GMaps
added: filter 'avf_combo_box_image_size' - allows to change image size in widget Enfold Combo Widget
added: filter 'avf_postslider_posts_meta_data' - allows to show/hide post meta data in ALB Postslider/ALB Blog Posts
added: filter 'avf_postslider_posts_meta_data_show' to override old behaviour in ALB Postslider/ALB Blog Posts (return true or false)
added: filter 'avf_show_tags_meta' to override old behaviour in loop-index.php (return true or false)

Dec. 21st, 2022 – Version

security improvements: prevent changes to portfolio permalinks by non authenticated users
security improvements: added user capability check for sidebar operations
security improvements: added user capability check for various ajax requests

fixed: YOAST fatal error explode() must be of type string array given (config-wordpress-seo/config.php:230)

Dec. 20th, 2022 – Version 5.3.1

WPML comp.: fix notice "Trying to read non existing property in class avia_superobject: wpml" 

updated: Google Maps API to 3.51
updated: Layerslider v7.6.7
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.3, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.3, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - info@nuit.hr)


tweak: improved filter 'avf_alb_element_animation' - allows any top value 0 - 99 in returned class "av-custom-animated-top-xx" https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/blob/master/actions%20and%20filters/ALB%20Elements/Animations/avf_alb_element_animation.php


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